Progressing together
since 1959
Comprehensive and personalised services.
Commitment to the
Social Responsibility
results with team, collaborations, clientele and community.

Comprehensive management
At RM Assessors we offer a comprehensive advisory service in the province of Girona, which includes a wide range of professional activities to respond to all your needs. We specialize in the services of lawyers, administrative managers, tax and labor advisors, as well as in strategic business consulting, data protection, community and estate administration, real estate and asset management and insurance brokerage.
A RM Assessors, we care about guaranteeing a quality service that integrates knowledge, experience and proximity, consolidating ourselves as a reference in the province of Girona and throughout Catalonia.
Ethics and professionalism
RM Assessors is a comprehensive consultancy that offers services for both companies and individuals, with headquarters in Girona, and branches in various towns in the Girona counties. We have more than 35 professionals, we offer service to more than 4000 clients and we have always been characterized by ethics and professionalism during the more than sixty years of service, offering personalized support, strategic guidance and solutions adapted to each case.
Global advice
We provide the best global service and advice in the different legal practice areas, both from a legal, economic and financial point of view. We deal with administrative management in all areas, which includes tax, accounting, labor, social security, insurance, asset management and real estate brokerage.
Quality and efficiency
We are committed to quality management, we have ISO 9001:2015 certification and our goal is constant improvement in the provision of our services. We easily adapt to legislative changes and seek to offer a reference professional service both with quality and with efficiency and performance. We guarantee a quality service that integrates knowledge, experience and proximity, consolidating ourselves as a reference in the province of Girona and throughout Catalonia.
Years of experience
Satisfied clients
Our services
Legal consultancy services in Girona. Lawyers
The lawyers at RM Assessors protect our clients’ interests in all legal areas and regarding any legal procedure.
Taxation and accounting consultancy services
Official administrative procedures
We manage the legalization of companies and all incidents and give quality tax and accounting advice in Girona.
Employment law, human resources and social security advisory services
We represent the company’s interests before public administrations.
Insurance Brokers in Girona
We work with profitable and prestigious entities. We work independently from insurance agencies.
Residents’ Associations and Property Management
We oversee the management of residents’ associations and properties.
Real Estate agency and asset management consultancy services
We offer specialized services in the management of communities of owners, rental administration and mediation in the purchase, sale and lease of properties in the province of Girona.
Link of interest
Advice in Girona, why choose us?
In our consultancy we combine technical experience and professionalism. We adapt to each client and offer customized solutions adapted to each case. We are transparent and provide efficient and reliable services. We support our customers, betting on new technologies, which allows us to provide safe and fast answers. We are a purposeful company. Choosing us as your advisors in Girona offers you a large number of advantages, as we know deeply the business fabric and local regulations.
Proximity allows us to offer you a more direct and personalized treatment.
Request an appointment today and find out how we can help you.
"Our team is what makes us great. Its professionalism is our greatest guarantee.”
"We protect our client's interests as if they were our very own."
"We invest in continuous training regarding all aspects of our business. It’s crucial."
Our commitments
For us, each client is unique with their own specific needs, and for this reason it’s essential to offer tailored solutions. A personalised service is one of our 10 commitments.
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Client reviews
Cecilia Loizaga2 Septiembre 2023Excelente asesoría. Todos muy amables. Muy profesionales. Recomendable
Ressenyes With Volumen12 Agosto 2023Bones a tots i totes potencials consumidors i beneficiaris de RM assessors. Agraïm l'assessoria contractada des de "Els Voluminosos" (preferim mantenir-nos en l'anonimat per qüestions òbvies) per l'ajuda immensa que ens ha proporcionat quant a l'herència del nostre pare (amb en Pau descansi). L'herència ha estat complicada per raons evidents, però també per una raó secundària molt gran (bé, en realitat molt petita): )una herència físicament massa petita. El nostre pare va ser un home molt treballador (no en el que ens agradaria com a hereus) i mai va tenir temps d'ampliar el seu capital físic. En conseqüència, ens vam veure afectats (veure en sentit literal, davant del mirall, ja que el mirall mai menteix). Tot i partir d'una base formalment desastrosa, RM assessors ens ha ajudat a créixer mitjançant la millora de les nostres marques. La repetició màxima de RM assessors és la següent: l'herència és el fonament de la vida. Aquesta frase ens va marcar. Saludos desde Volumilandia, adiós! :3 <3 PD: no es un corazón, es un helado
Ingrid Almansa Ball-llosera24 Noviembre 2022M'han ajudat moltíssim amb l'herència del meu pare. Vaig arribar a un mes del límit per fer l'acceptació, ja que l'anterior advocat no va fer bé la seva feina i ells amb un mes han pogut aconseguir l'impossible. Moltíssimes gràcies! Recomano RM assessors sense cap dubte!
Eduard Galobardes Jorba25 Octubre 2022Faig consulta en matèria fiscal com Col·legiat Api. Resposta i tracte perfectes. Gràcies
Yo1 Agosto 2022Grans professionals. Us ho recomano com a gestoria.La evaluación general en Google es 4.0 de 5, en base a 44 reseñas
Contact us
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You will find us at:
Head office
Gran Via Jaume I, 14 baixos
17001 GIRONA
Tel. (+34) 972 208 258
Fax (+34) 972 221 770
Figueres office
Avinguda Salvador Dalí, 146
17600 Figueres
Tel. (+34) 972 51 17 13
Breda office
Carrer Rovira, 1
17400 Breda
Tel. (+34) 972 870 376
Fax (+34) 972 870 376