Comprehensive consultancy
RM Assessors
Tel. 972 426 004

The identity of
RM Assessors
At RM Assessors we seek a better society, and we strive to make this a reality every day.
We are committed to health, education and culture, providing professional assistance to non-profit organisations, sports clubs and diverse cultural entities.
We assist SMEs, family-run businesses, associations and foundations with their strategy development and financial and economic planning.
We are committed to environmental sustainability, in order to ensure future continuity wherever possible. To achieve this, we respect the environment and minimise the volume of waste production by employing “the three Rs”: reduce, reuse and recycle.
Our commitments
We are all unique with our own, specific needs, and for this reason it’s essential to offer tailored solutions.
1. Quality
We provide consultancy services by highly qualified professionals in each of our areas of service. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified, which attests to fact of having evaluated and implemented a Quality Management System.
2. Accreditation of experience and technical solvency
We have over 60 years’ experience in the sector, something which has given us wide-ranging knowledge and high degree of technical solvency, so that we can offer the best advice to our clients.
3. Continuous improvement
We are committed to continuous improvement. We consider ourselves to be a benchmark consultancy firm in the province of Girona, both in terms of our customer service and the professionalism with which we provide our services.
4. Diversity
We have implemented a diversity and inclusion plan and are committed to equality within our workforce.
5. Sustainability and environmental awareness
We are strongly attuned to issues regarding the environment and sustainability. We actively and voluntarily contribute to social and economic improvement and social responsibility, and we have implemented a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan.
We are aware that we have an impact upon the environment, and we strive towards always making it positive. We are a company dedicated to far-reaching social responsibility.
6. Social commitment
We undertake social commitments, such as offering training and work-experience placements for disadvantaged groups, and we provide extensive support to sporting and cultural activities, as well as to research into various diseases, and we also actively collaborate with the non-profit organisations that support this on a regular basis.
We ensure that the companies with which we collaborate share our values.
7. Trust, transparency, ethics and professional confidentiality
We are a company with a purpose, and we work hard to earn trust. We conduct ourselves with transparency, and ethics forms one of the fundamental pillars that guides us in our decision making.We offer a personalised service to each client, and proximity is our value added.We are an honest team of professionals, who always acts in line with our mission, vision and defining values.We assure professional confidentiality in all our services.
8. Training
We are committed to the continuous training of our team members to ensure excellent client service.
9. Technological adaptation and keeping abreast of information technologies
We continually implement new processes and IT system which enable us to quickly adapt to the constant changes of today’s climate, as well as to provide an effective, efficient and high-quality service to all our clients.
10. Comprehensive services and teamwork
Our areas of professional activity include all the legal and administrative services that individuals, companies, associations and foundations may require. This same comprehensive service also applies to our insurance broking department and estate agency.
Our mission, vision and values help to define who we are, who we want to be and how it can be achieved.
Our mission
Our mission is to offer the best possible comprehensive consultancy services by acting first and foremost in your best interests. Your interests are our priority.
What benefits you benefits us. Our goal is to ensure your peace of mind.
Our vision is to become a benchmark in the sector of comprehensive consultancy services for individuals and companies in the Girona province, and to stand out for our values.
The pillars of our existence as a comprehensive consultancy and agency for administrative procedures have always been honesty, commitment, experience and professionalism.
Training makes us unstoppable
Professionalism can only be achieved through good training and supervision, and this can only be done by a professional company. You must have know-how to be able to train. You must train in order to work effectively. Having a team of highly qualified experts along with a commitment to innovation and new technologies, allows us to fulfill any requirement deftly and efficiently.
Time leads to mastering skills
Experience is knowledge acquired through observation, participation and practice over time. At RM Assessors we boast a long professional trajectory, with over 60 years’ experience providing services to our clients, which has lead us to stand out for providing skills and knowledge specifically suited to different domains, procedures and sectors. Experience is what enables us to know what will and won’t work.
The first step towards trust
Honesty is the inherent quality of those who do not aim to mislead, and those who fulfill their duties with regard for decent practices and morals. It consists in behaving towards someone with transparency and sincerity, and in following the principles of values and fairness. Honesty is respect for the truth in our dealings with with the world, people and events. This is our main defining value: to do things properly with complete honesty and a strong professional ethic, offering the client a quality, high-value and useful service.
Responsibility with guarantees
Our utmost dedication to our clients’ goals bears testament to the commitment and responsibility with which we undertake each project. For this reason, we always work closely with the client, offering a personalised service to become another member of their team, so we can successfully achieve our common goals.
At RM Assessors we are extremely dedicated to quality; for this reason we hold ISO 9001: 2015 certification - the benchmark standard for defining and implementing Quality Management Systems.
Founded in 1959, RM Assessors is a comprehensive consultancy service for companies, foundations, residents’ associations and individuals.
We offer our clients expert legal advice encompassing a wide range of areas, such as taxation, accounting, employment and social security law, general official administrative procedures, as well as real estate and insurance.
We provide solutions to our clients’ requirements in both business management, as well for the undertaking of non-profit making activities run by foundations, associations and individuals, and we also carry out administrative procedures required by their respective public administration entities related to all the aforementioned domains.
We are always in pursuit of excellence and we are committed to the advancement and continuous training of our team members, as well as to the constant implementation of new processes and IT tools which enable us to quickly adapt to the constant changes of today’s climate, as well as to provide an effective, efficient and high-quality service to all our clients.
We are ISO 9001: 2015 certified, which attests to fact of having evaluated and implemented a Quality Management System.
We are committed to continuous improvement. We consider ourselves to be a benchmark consultancy firm in the province of Girona, both in terms of our customer service and the professionalism with which we provide our services.
We have implemented a diversity and inclusion plan and are committed to equality within our workforce.
We are committed to sustainability, in order to ensure future continuity wherever possible. To achieve this, we respect the environment and minimise the volume of waste production by employing “the three Rs”: reduce, reuse and recycle. We are certified in green economy.
We are strongly attuned to issues regarding the environment and sustainability. We actively and voluntarily contribute to social and economic improvement and social responsibility, and we have implemented a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan.
We are aware that we have an impact upon the environment, and we strive towards always making it positive.
We are a company dedicated to far-reaching social responsibility.
We undertake social commitments such as offering training and work-experience placements for disadvantaged groups, and we provide extensive support to sporting and cultural activities, as well as to research into various diseases, while we also actively collaborate with the non-profit organisations that support this on a regular basis.
We ensure that the companies with which we collaborate share our values.
We are a company with a purpose, and we work hard to earn trust. We conduct ourselves with transparency, and ethics forms one of the fundamental pillars that guides us in our decision making.
Girona, 31 August 2023
Marta and Maria Romaguera Colom
Managing Directors of RM Assessors
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