“We defend our client's interestsas if they wereour very own”
We defend the interests of all our clients, both companies and individuals alike, in all legal areas and regarding any legal procedure, and by working closely with the other services areas of our office.
Legal areas we work in
Employment law
Defending the interests of companies and employees. Processing situations of permanent disability, dismissals, pay claims, workforce adjustment plans, consultations regarding applicable collective agreements and workforce restructuring.
Traffic accidents
Claims and defense.
Civil law
Consultations and the drafting of all kinds of property contracts; divorces, inheritance, debt settlements, incapacitation and guardianships, wills and estate planning, compensation claims and damages.
Banking law
Banking claims, minimum interest rate clauses, shares, preference shares, mortgage costs.
Administrative law
Appeals against sanctions and license refusal, in the areas of both employment law, as well as administrative law and urban planning.
Commercial law
Consultation on the incorporation and dissolution of companies, drafting of articles of association with specific clauses, sale and purchase of stocks and shares, arrangement of official meetings and attendance in the case of dispute, liability suits against administrators, advice on company debt for bankruptcy proceedings.
Criminal law
Defense and claims involving financial and alcohol-related offenses, and offenses in contravention of the health and safety of workers.
Criminal compliance
International tax law
Consultations for displaced and expatriate workers, and companies in the case of working abroad. Inheritances involving assets held abroad or partners of different nationalities.
Our team of expert consultants is ready to take your business to the highest possible level.
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Videovigilància i drets del treballador
La implementació de càmeres de videovigilància en l’entorn laboral desperta debats inevitables. Ens trobem davant un delicat equilibri entre el dret de l’ocupador a supervisar
Acomiadament objectiu per ineptitud del treballador
D’acord amb l’article 52 de l’Estatut dels Treballadors, el contracte podrà extingir-se per ineptitud del treballador coneguda o sobrevinguda amb posterioritat a la seva col·locació
Acomiadament objectiu per ineptitud del treballador
D'acord amb l'article 52 de l'Estatut dels Treballadors, el contracte podrà extingir-se per ineptitud del treballador coneguda o sobrevinguda amb posterioritat a la seva col·locació
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